In Sunday's post, we highlighted the excellent audio presentations being uploaded from the recent Mises Circle conference in Manhattan.
Now that all of the speaker presentations have been uploaded, I especially wanted to highlight a talk given by Marc Faber entitled, "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, When is the Next AIG to Fall?".
Be sure to listen to Marc's overview of US monetary policy and his discussion of how the Fed's easy money policies fueled the dot com bubble and the US real estate bubble, and why mainstream economists such as Greg Mankiw and James Galbraith are still cheering for more money printing and deficit spending.
You'll also hear Faber's views on the global economy, the growth of emerging markets and their commodity consumption, why Americans should have at least 50 per cent of their money invested outside of the US, and why "the final crisis has yet to come".
PowerPoint presentation slides accompany the audio lecture.
Related articles and posts:
1. Faber, Rogers, & Schiff on EU bailout - Finance Trends.
2. Marc Faber: interview - Finance Trends.
3. Marc Faber on crisis & geopolitical tensions (McAlvany podcast) - Finance Trends.