Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mises Circle in Manhattan: audio presentations

The good people at the Mises Institute have been quick to upload audio of speaker presentations from this weekend's Mises Circle in Manhattan.

As noted in our Friday Features post, the guest list looked stellar, so we'll be eagerly awaiting more uploads. So far, there's audio of a very interesting talk from Christopher Whalen called, "Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the American Dream", as well as lectures from Robert Murphy and Doug French on Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT) and interest rates.

With added presentations from the likes of Kevin Duffy, Marc Faber, Lawrence Parks and more, we can't wait to hear the rest of the audio clips as soon they're added.

If you want to get down to the root of the most recent boom & bust periods and understand why we're facing a legion of bailouts and economic problems, these discussions are a great resource to further that understanding. Enjoy, and tell your friends.