James Grant, John Hathaway, and Peter Munk sit down with Charlie Rose to discuss gold and the nature of our monetary system in this important roundtable discussion.
I was surprised and delighted to find that Grant & Co. would be Charlie's guests on Monday's program. The topic of discussion became even more newsworthy as the US dollar gold price hit a record high (in nominal terms) that same day.
But this is more than just a chat about a commodity hitting a new high. As you will see from James Grant's opening statements to Rose, gold is money and it has been for centuries. What we see in the rising gold price is a concurrent loss of faith in the viability of all paper currency systems worldwide.
This is the basic truth about gold and silver as real money and store of value that Rose and his audience need to hear.
Plus, John Hathaway, subject of one of our earliest posts, and James Grant provide some much needed counterbalance to the prevailing narrative of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and the Fed's ongoing money printing operations (aka "quantitative easing" & QE2). It's all here in this interview, one of the most important discussions I've heard at Charlie Rose's table.
Related articles and posts:
1. Lew Rockwell interviews James Grant: Austrian economics & the classical gold standard - Controlled Greed.
2. Jim Grant: Requiem for the dollar - Finance Trends.
3. The Gold Standard: an interview with Guilio Gallarotti - Finance Trends.
4. Quantitative easing explained (plain English) - YouTube via Finance Trends.