Friday, September 25, 2009

FSN: The great inflation/deflation debate

Financial Sense Newshour is hosting a new interview series around the great inflation vs. deflation debate. Will we see significant inflation in the months and years ahead, or are we headed for deflation?

Last weekend, Jim Puplava brought on Daniel Amerman and Mike "Mish" Shedlock to debate the inflation vs. deflation question. Both made some interesting points on the timing and likelihood of either scenario, while Amerman stressed the importance of correctly anticipating the more likely outcome in order to defend one's savings and investments.

We also hear from Marc Faber, who makes the case for inflation in a separate interview segment. Enjoy this very worthwhile and thorough discussion, and check back in with FSN for upcoming interviews in this series.

Related articles and posts:

1. Inflation: Dying of Money - Financial Sense via Finance Trends.

2. Inflation or Deflation? - Merle Hazard at YouTube.