Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In charts: Apple (AAPL) vs. Microsoft (MSFT)

Here's a look at some charts shared recently on Chart.ly and StockTwits. Think of it as a quick follow up to our Steve Jobs and Bill Gates post from last Friday, looking back on 30 years of technology innovation.

The long view of Apple: monthly chart of AAPL stock price dating back to 1984. That's shortly after the Mac was introduced (click to enlarge chart).

The following chart shows a comparison of Apple and Microsoft's share performance from 1986 (the year MSFT went public) to 2011. 

On this timeframe, MSFT trounces AAPL from the early 1990s on to the dot.com bubble peak. 

Still, Apple shares gain momentum in the 2000s, finishing the 25 year period with a more than 15,000% gain. Microsoft achieved a 25,000% gain in its stock price for the same period (down from its 1999 peak near the 50,000% mark). 

Finally, we see the same two stocks measured from 1997, the year of Steve Jobs' return to the company he co-founded. The second act of Jobs at Apple was a wildly successful period for the company and its shares, as you can see from the chart below. 

While MSFT's share price barely managed to keep its head above water in the post-dot.com bubble period, AAPL went on to slay the competition and innovated its way to a 7,000% return over 14 years. 

For more on what both companies and their famous founders have accomplished over the last 30-odd years, check out our related posts below.

Related posts

1. Interview: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates discuss careers, tech - Finance Trends.

2. MSFT and AAPL: a tale of two tickers - Finance Trends.