Friday, July 9, 2010

Jim Rogers FSN interview: lessons on life & investing

The Financial Sense Newshour recently interviewed famed investor and author, Jim Rogers on lessons in life and investing.

If you'd like to gain some key insights and life wisdom from one of the great self-made thinkers and investors of our time, listen to this very fine interview. Host Jim Puplava talks to Jim Rogers about the importance of doing your own thinking, living your own life, and doing the things you love, which, as Rogers points out, are key to living a very happy life.

Enjoy the discussion, and if you get something out of it, be sure to pass this interview on to your friends or a young person starting out in life. They may appreciate it as much as you have!

Related articles and posts:

1. Jim Rogers on life, travel, and investing - Finance Trends.

2. Jim Rogers: The Calculating Cowboy - Finance Trends.