Just wanted to give all of our readers (including those of you in RSS land) a quick heads up on a couple items of interest at Finance Trends.
First, Stocktwits will be hosting its weekly MacroTwits discussion hour tonight at 9 PM EST. For those who don't know, MacroTwits is a fun & engaging macroeconomic roundtable hosted by blogger and Stocktwits member, Gregor Macdonald.
As you can see from the link above, MacroTwits is now televised live on Stocktwits.tv, alongside of a streaming chat box where Stocktwits members share market commentary and macro links in 140 characters or less.
You don't have to sign up to Twitter or Stocktwits to follow the discussion, but you will have to join Twitter & "follow" Stocktwits if you want to participate in the forum. For more on how to use Twitter and Stocktwits, please see our explanatory post.
Secondly, we'll be running a little contest here in a couple of days. Details will be laid out in full early in the week, so I'll just mention it here as a quick FYI. We plan to give away a free print subscription (or two) to The Economist, so if you'd like to participate and aim for the prize, we'd love to have you join in (contest entry will be as simple as leaving a comment).
Thanks, and we'll see you tonight at MacroTwits hour!